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SINGH, SHRI RAMSHEKHAR PRASAD, B.A., B.L., Bihar-Chapra—1971, Son of Shri Babu Ram Grihi Singh; b. on January 17, 1924; ed. at Rajput School, Chapra, Banaras Hindu University and Patna Law College; m. Shrimati Lakshmi Devi; 3 d.; Agriculturist; arrested on April 1, 1937 for demonstrating against British regime; took part in Quit India Movement in 1942 and was imprisoned for 7 years and 10 strips while he was a student; Secretary, (i) Banaras Students Congress, (ii) Sarvodaya Sangh, Chapra, and (iii) Saran District Youth Congress; Member, (i) B.P.C.C., (ii) A.I.C.C. since 1963 and (iii) B.P.C.C. Working Committee; G.O.C. in-charge of A.I.C. C. Session held at Patna, October, 1970; Treasurer, D.C.C., Saran (Chapra); Member, (i) Bihar Legislative Council, 1952—62 (ii) Third Lok Sabha, 1962-67 and (iii) Fourth Lok Sabha, 1967—70. Social activities.—Organised Sarvodaya Sangh, Chapra, 1949; Convener, First Cultural Conference at Chapra; organised Library movement in the Saran District; actively associated with several social, cultural and educational institutions in Bihar. Hobbies.—Gardening, travelling and sightseeing. Special interests.—Public administration and social service for the uplift of down-trodden people. Sports.—Indian games. Travels abroad.—Switzerland, Germany, France and U.K. Permanent address.—(1) Vill. Bingawan, Distt. Sahabad, Bihar; (2) M/B, No. 28, Sri Krishnapuri, Patna.